EDIB Mission
Resources and Support
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Lisa Sánchez-Johnsen, PhD, MS
Associate Director of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Dr. Sanchez-Johnsen is an academic leader in the area of health equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. She is the Founder/Past Chair of the Multicultural and Ethnic Minority Health Special Interest Group in the Society of Behavioral Medicine and the Founder/Past Chair of the Latinx Health Equity and Health Disparities Special Interest Group in the National Latinx Psychological Association.
Additionally, Dr. Sanchez-Johnsen directs the Multicultural, Diversity, and Latinx Health Equity Research Program and the Multicultural Health, Obesity, and Cancer Health Equity Research Scholars Program at the Medical College of Wisconsin, which is a mentorship and training program for those interested in health equity research on a national basis. She brings her thought leadership, strategic planning, and EDIB expertise to this important Office within the MCW Cancer Center.
Medical College of Wisconsin
Together with the MCW Offices of Diversity and Inclusion, Student Inclusion and Diversity, and the Center for Advancement for Women in Science, the Cancer Center is building a more diverse workforce that reflects the community we serve.
Community Outreach and Engagement
Shared programming including promotion of MCW Cancer Center career opportunities and skill-building activities for groups underrepresented in our community helps ensure EDIB is woven into the fabric of all we do.
Cancer Research Training and Education
EDIB principles are incorporated into educational and career enhancement activities to ensure learners at all levels have access to supportive training environments, and culturally responsive evaluation.
EDIB Advisory Council
The EDIB Advisory Council helps advise and guide the MCW Cancer Center’s Plan to Enhance Diversity, a roadmap to building a more diverse and exceptional research workforce and advancing a culture of inclusivity and belonging. The Council is comprised of trusted advisors across institutions, departments, and programs.
Plan to Enhance Diversity
The goal of the Plan to Enhance Diversity is to establish the necessary infrastructure and demonstrate a long-term commitment to sustained diversity across the MCW Cancer Center’s leadership, advisory bodies, and workforce. It aims to create a diverse, exceptional research workforce and to advance a culture of inclusivity and belonging that supports the careers of researchers, including women and individuals from groups underrepresented in science and medicine (URGs), and fosters their growth and leadership.