Researchers in lab

Undergraduates and Postbaccalaureates

Undergraduate and postbaccalaureate educational programs include immersive research experiences that provide hands-on training in cancer research labs, mentorship opportunities with established cancer researchers, and participation in community outreach efforts.
Learn about the educational and training opportunities for undergraduates and postbaccalaureates.
Laboratory Researchers
American Cancer Society Diversity in Cancer Research

In partnership with Alverno College, Mount Mary University, and UW-Milwaukee, this 2-year post-baccalaureate program aims to help students gain admission to and successfully complete graduate or medical school. The program offers an immersive experience with hands-on training in cancer research labs, access to research mentors, participation in community outreach, and career development. For more information, please contact

Cancer Disparities Research Summer Program

This program connects undergraduates to mentors and research opportunities, making a future career in biomedical sciences more accessible. Students participate in a didactic core curriculum and weekly seminars featuring career development, goal setting, and discussion of ongoing research. Students also shadow basic scientists in their labs, participate in community events, and complete a mentored project related to cancer disparities in southeast Wisconsin.

GAP/Enrichment Year Clinical Research Experience

The Cancer Center offers funding for a 1-2 year experience for up to eight recent college graduates who wish to delay graduate or professional school to serve as a clinical research professional in the Cancer Center’s Clinical Trials Office. Students receive training through an onboarding program, seminars, workshops, and shadowing experiences to enhance their understanding of cancer and clinical research.

Student-centered Program to Advance Research in Cancer Careers (SPARCC)

This summer program comprises eight weeks of workshops and hands-on experience in the MCW Cancer Center's Clinical Trials Office and clinical practicums. The program recruits a diverse cohort of undergraduates and prepares them for careers as Clinical Research Professionals to provide financial support through employment as they transition to advanced degrees. 

MCW Cancer Center UW-Milwaukee Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP)

In partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UW-M), the Cancer Center offers UWM students a learning experience aimed at training the next generation of high-performing, diverse cancer researchers. Beginning with mentor-pairing, students align their interests with a Cancer Center/cancer-focused research mentor and participate in an introductory semester-long, credit-granting undergraduate course that supports the development and writing of a fellowship grant proposal.

Visit UW-Milwaukee's Office of Undergraduate Research for details

Annual Research Trainee Symposium
This annual symposium allows trainees an opportunity to showcase their research through oral presentations and poster sessions. The event includes a keynote address from a nationally renowned scientist with attendees comprised of high school, college, and graduate students as well as postdoctoral trainees.

Read about the 2024 Trainee Symposium
Trainee Travel Award

MCW Cancer Center trainees have access to a Trainee Travel Award that offers reimbursement for conferences, travel costs for conducting research with a collaborator, and attending workshops and courses. Twenty awards will be available per calendar year.

Learn more about the award and eligibility (PDF).