Clinical and Observational Trials

Clinical trials (also known as interventional trials) are medical research studies that help us find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. Participating in a trial creates access to promising new treatments that have the potential to change the lives of patients today – and in the future.

A Robust Portfolio of Cancer Clinical Trials

Our cancer scientists and physicians currently enroll patients on over 220+ active cancer clinical trials, the largest clinical trial treatment program in Wisconsin.
elderly man smiling with provider

Adult Clinical Trials

View all active adult clinical trials available through the Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Network.

Doctor with Child

Pediatric Clinical Trials

Find a list of clinical trials available through Children’s Wisconsin as well as questions for your care team.

Mehdi Hamadani, MD

Physician Referrals

Visit MCW Physician ACCESS (All Cancer Center Enrolling Studies) to locate a potential match for adult and pediatric patients.

A Leader in Cancer Clinical Trials

The MCW Cancer Center is recognized by the National Cancer Institute as a Lead Academic Participating Site for its scientific leadership, the strength and innovation of its research and science, and robust participation in National Clinical Trials Network clinical trials. The Center is one of only 32 institutions in the United States to achieve this designation, and the only institution in Milwaukee and the eastern Wisconsin region.

National Clinical Trials Network


Stu Wong, MD with patients
Translational Research Unit Nurse

Translational Research Units

The Froedtert & MCW Cancer Network is one of a few cancer care networks in the nation with two dedicated cancer translational research units and has the only cancer inpatient translational research unit in Wisconsin. These translational research units focus on early-phase clinical trials that are conducted among a small numbers of patients. Early-phase clinical trials are essential to evaluating promising new therapies that may lead to FDA approval as standard treatment of care.

Read more about our Translational Research Units.

The Importance of Clinical Trials

Eradicating cancer means investigating how cancer impacts everyone – and discovering treatments for all types of patients. MCW Cancer Center investigators (the physicians and researchers producing clinical trials) collect more reliable data when more people participate in a clinical trial. The more patients who qualify, the greater the chances the study will reflect the outcomes of the real-world population that will eventually use the new therapy.

If you’re eligible for a clinical trial and decide that’s the next best step for you, we’ll work to ensure you have the support needed to participate.

What you need to know about clinical trials (PDF)

female doctor with female patient