Research Group Lab Hall

Funding Opportunities

Securing funding is an important part of the scientific research process. The MCW Cancer Center Grants Office offers a breadth of support designed to help Cancer Center members pursue research funding to advance cancer discoveries.

Pilot Grants

For questions, please contact

Funding Opportunities_Accordion Component
American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant

The purpose of the individual ACS-IRG Pilot Awards is to support the development of exceptional cancer-related research projects for junior faculty members who are in the process of establishing independent cancer research programs. The goal of the individual ACS-IRG pilot awards is to assist junior faculty in generating preliminary data to increase their likelihood of success in obtaining extramural peer-reviewed funding. A clear plan for how the pilot data will support development of the external funding proposal(s) is required.

Priority Areas
Studies targeting breast and prostate cancer and sarcoma will be prioritized, though proposals involving all cancer types are eligible. 
All areas of cancer research – basic, preclinical, prevention and control, population, epidemiological and psychosocial cancer research (including quality of life research) – will be considered for funding. Applications for novel clinical projects (such as improvements of diagnostics and screening as well as genetic studies to improve prediction by identifying and understanding how genes and illnesses may be related) and for community-based projects are encouraged in addition to basic science projects. Note: This mechanism does not provide support for interventional treatment clinical trials.

Budget: $40,000 for a one-year award period with a possibility of a one-year no-cost extension and supplemental funding for a second year based on progress in the initial award period.

Second-year Supplement: If awarded the ACS-IRG Pilot Award, PIs are eligible to apply for a $20,000 supplement from the Cancer Center, which is an extension to the initial one-year award.


  • RFA Release: July 15, 2024
  • LOI Due: Aug. 15, 2024
  • Applicants are highly encouraged to present their Specific Aims at the Cancer Research Forum: Aug. 22, 2024 
  • Application Due: 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 1, 2024
  • Award Begins: On or after Jan. 1, 2025

View the ACS Institutional Research Grant RFA for full details and instructions. (PDF)

Clinical Trial Concept Award

The MCW Cancer Center recognizes that Investigator-initiated Trials (IITs) represent the apex of academic cancer research innovation, as they help develop new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer and provide participating patients with access to the most advanced treatments. In line with this vision, the scope of this pilot program is to encourage and support the development of an IIT or innovative correlative studies that capitalize on an already funded trial.

Priority Areas
Researchers proposing relevant projects from all areas of science are invited to apply to this RFA. Priority will be given to multi-disciplinary collaborations between clinical scientists, basic or translational scientists, and population science researchers who propose to study topics related to understanding or addressing cancer disparities. Applications that propose correlative studies, especially those that utilize MCWCC Shared Resources, are encouraged.

Budget: Up to $150,000 total budget including any follow-up for the duration of the study, with an expected accrual period of two years.
  • RFA Release: July 15, 2024
  • LOI Due: Aug. 15, 2024
  • Application Due: If invited, full applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 15, 2024.
  • Award Begins: Notifications of award will be made after peer review and Director’s Council approval.

View the Clinical Trial Concept Award RFA for full details and instructions. (PDF)

Our Patient Project

Our Patient Project: Phase 1 of 2
Our Patient Project (OPP) is an important translational research element of the MCW Cancer Center (CC)-led Precision Oncology high-impact initiative that is expected to drive discovery over the next three years.

The OPP has two goals:

  1. To answer a significant unanswered question in the cancer research field or address a major challenge in clinical care by fully characterizing and analyzing samples from a discrete, clinically annotated cancer patient cohort
  2. To develop a rich experimental data set on patient samples annotated with high quality clinical data that can be leveraged by the Principal Investigator (PI), study team, and MCW CC members to foster new multi-disciplinary collaborative research projects funded through extramural sources (e.g., Multi-PI R01s, P-, U- or M-type grant awards, sponsored clinical trials) and that will lead to novel practice-changing cancer prevention and/or therapeutics.

Priority Areas
Researchers working in all areas of cancer science are invited to apply. Priority will be given to projects that use multi-disciplinary technologies and approaches, propose to study topics related to understanding or addressing cancer disparities in WI, and address clinically important challenges faced by the WI population and their cancer care givers. Inclusion of correlative studies that utilize MCW Shared Resources are highly encouraged, and when shared resources outside of MCW are proposed, appropriate justification is required. 

Budget: Maximum project budget is $1M total over a maximum of 4-5 years


  • LOI Due: LOIs are due by 5:00 pm on March 1 and Sept. 1 of every year through 2024.
  • Full Proposal Due: Full proposals will be due the following September 1 and March 1 from LOI submission, through March 2025.
  • Award Begins: The start date for funding will be dependent on the status of any required human and animal studies protocol approvals, with the understanding that it will not take longer than six months post award notice.

View the Our Patient Project RFA for full details and instructions. (PDF)

Idea Award

The purpose of the Idea award is to stimulate the development of high-quality, innovative cancer research projects that will move forward to extramurally funded projects. Idea awards provide early funding support for high-risk, high-payoff research for which external grants are difficult to obtain.

Priority Areas 
Faculty members with cancer relevant research from all areas of science are invited to apply to this RFA. Collaborations between basic/translational/clinical science and population science researchers who propose to study topics related to understanding or addressing cancer disparities will be given priority. Proposals that utilize MCWCC Shared Resources are encouraged.

Budget: $50,000 for one year without the option to renew.


  • RFA Release: July 15, 2024
  • LOI Due: Aug.15, 2024
  • Applicants are highly encouraged to present their Specific Aims at the Cancer Research Forum: Aug. 22, 2024
  • Application Due: 11:59 p.m. on Oct. 1, 2024
  • Award Begins: The start date will be on or after Jan. 1, 2025, dependent on the status of any required human and animal studies protocol approvals, with the understanding that it will not take longer than three months post award notice.

View the Idea Award RFA for full details and instructions. (PDF)

Team Science Award

The purpose of the Team Science Award is to stimulate the development of high-quality, multi-investigator program project grants that will move forward to extramurally funded grant awards. Projects with translational potential are encouraged, but not mandatory. Inter-programmatic and inter-institutional teams are also highly encouraged.

A Request for Applications will be available in Spring 2025.

Breast Cancer Alliance Limited Funding Submission

Breast Cancer Alliance aims to improve survival rates and quality of life for those impacted by breast cancer through better prevention, early detection, treatment, and cure. The organization is accepting applications for the following limited submission grant mechanisms (MCW may submit up to 2 applications per mechanism):

Exceptional Project Grants, which support postdocs, research scientists, and clinicians performing creative, unique, and innovative breast cancer research. The one-year grant provides $100,000.

Young Investigator Grants, which support breast cancer research by postdocs and early-stage investigators. It provides $125,000 over two years.

Learn more on the Breast Cancer Alliance website.
NCI Pathway to Independence Award

The program aims to increase and maintain a strong cohort of talented, NCI-supported, independent investigators; it provides research support during the transition from postdoc to independent researcher and helps awardees launch competitive, independent research careers.

This is a limited submission opportunity and MCW may submit up to a combined total of four applications (one from each category: Cancer Data Science, Cancer Control Science, Cancer Prevention, and Other Cancer Research) to any companion funding opportunity or any combination of companion funding opportunities: PAR-23-286 (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed), PAR-23-287 (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required), or PAR-23-288 (K99/R00 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required).

  • LOI: March 17, 2024
  • Deadline: Oct. 15, 2024

Learn more about the award on the NCI website.


American Cancer Society Postbaccalaureate Fellowship Program

In partnership with Alverno College and Mount Mary University, both designated Hispanic-Serving Institutions by the US Department of Education, this 2-year program aims to help underrepresented students gain admission to and successfully complete graduate or medical school. The program offers an immersive experience with hands-on training in cancer research labs, access to research mentors, participation in community outreach, and career development.

Learn about the ACS-DICR Fellowship Program.

Biobehavioral Oncology T32 Program

Supported by a National Cancer Institute (NCI) T32 award, this fellowship is a two-year postdoctoral research training program that integrates 1) the biology of stress and disparities on cancer, and 2) social determinants of health, behavior, and outcomes.

Qualified BBOT program candidates will have an advanced degree with clear interest and focus in research. Successful PhD applicants will have obtained their doctoral degree from a PhD program with a strong foundation in basic, clinical, behavioral, or social science with documented research training. MD/DO trainees will enter the BBOT Program after their clinical training is complete and will have demonstrated an interest in research through prior participation in labs, specialized research tracks, summer research programs, publications, or scientific presentations.

  • Deadline: July 31, 2024
View the Biobehavioral Oncology T32 Program RFA for full details and instructions. (PDF)
Graduate Fellowship

The MCW Cancer Center Graduate Fellowship provides research fellowships to support the development of highly promising and accomplished PhD trainees with the potential to become independent cancer research scientists. Due to the complexity of cancer, finding ways to prevent and cure this disease requires a multidisciplinary effort. Therefore, doctoral students in any discipline at MCW with an interest in cancer research are encouraged to apply. The MCW Graduate Fellowship will provide up to two years of support, providing an opportunity for the most promising students to become more immersed in cancer research. 

  • LOI Due: Deadline extended to End of Business Day, Jan. 19, 2024
  • Application Due: Feb. 16, 2024
  • Award Begins: July 1, 2024

View the Graduate Fellowship RFA for full details and instructions. (PDF)

MCW Medical Student Fellowship

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Please submit your LOI by May 31, 2024

This fellowship provides a one-year, full-time research fellowship to support the development of highly promising and accomplished medical student trainees with the potential to become cancer researchers. Due to the complexity of cancer, finding ways to prevent and cure this disease requires a multidisciplinary effort. MCW medical students with an interest in cancer relevant research are encouraged to apply.

  • LOI: May 31, 2024
  • Deadline: July 26, 2024
View the Medical Student Fellowship RFA for full details and instructions. (PDF)
Postdoctoral and Clinical Research Fellowship

The purpose of the Postdoctoral and Clinical Research Fellowship is to recruit and train high-quality, innovative basic science and clinical/translational cancer researchers with the potential to successfully compete for extramural funding. Fellowships will be awarded to promising postdoctoral or clinical fellows who are focused on cancer. For clinical fellows, this award is intended to support additional years of research training after completion of their clinical training. 

  • LOI Due: Deadline extended to End of Business Day, Jan. 19, 2024
  • Application Due: Feb. 16, 2024
  • Award Begins: July 1, 2024

View the Postdoctoral and Clinical Research Fellowship RFA for full details and instructions. (PDF)

Undergraduate Research Program Fellowship

In partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM), the Cancer Center offers UWM students a learning experience aimed at training the next generation of high-performing, diverse cancer researchers. Beginning with mentor-pairing, students align their interests with a Cancer Center/cancer-focused research mentor and participate in an introductory semester-long, credit-granting undergraduate course that supports the development and writing of a fellowship grant proposal.

Learn more about the Undergraduate Research Program.

Past Awardees

Cycle 1: 2024


  • Hui-Zi Chen, MD, PhD; Dept. of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology; Unraveling the Role of E2F7-Regulated Gene Networks in Small Cell Lung Cancer Development
  • Navonil De Sarkar, PhD; Dept. of Pathology, Division of Administration; Exploiting Synthetic Lethality: Inducing 'BRCAness' in Non-BRCA2 Deficient Cancers to Enhance PARP Inhibitor Responses
  • Matthew Kudek, MD; Dept. of Pediatrics, Division of Hematology & Oncology; Dissecting the Role of Innate Lymphoid Cells in the Pathogenesis of Graft Versus Host Disease

Graduate Fellowship Award

  • Josiah Murray, BSCohesin Haploinsufficiency Disrupts Polycomb Targeting in Hematopoiesis and Myeloid Leukemogenesis
  • Maria Poimenidou, BA; Cryopreservation Effects on Energy Metabolism, Activation, and Differentiation of CAR-T Cells
  • Anusha Rengarajan, B-TechMechanistic Investigations of Oncogenic RAB35 Variants in Disrupting Epithelial Cell Polarity
  • Sarah Rine, PhD; Institute for Health and Equity; Social Determinants of Cervical Cancer Prevention among Female Sex Workers and their Children in Kampala, Uganda 

Postdoctoral Fellowship Award

  • Adhitya Ramamurthi, MD; Dept. of Surgery; Training an Oncology-Focused Large Language Model to Automate Data Extraction from Unstructured Clinical Cancer Data
Cycle 2: 2023


  • Kelly Rentscher, PhD; Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine; Socioenvironmental Disparities and Accelerated Aging in CAR T Cell Therapy Recipients 

Clinical Trial Concept Award

  • Guru Subramanian Guru Murthy, MD, MS; Dept. of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology; Phase I Study of Iadademstat with Azacitidine in Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome

Idea Award

  • Pradeep Chaluvally-Raghavan, PhD; Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Research and Advanced Education; RBMS1-mediated Lineage Transition in Breast Cancer
  • Chun Liu, PhD; Dept. of Physiology; Elucidating the Mechanisms of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor-Induced Cardiotoxicity through Heart Organoids
  • Daochun Sun, PhD; Dept. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy; Targeting NF1-associated Tumor Microenvironment by Lipid Nanoparticles
Cycle 1: 2023


  • Nikki Lytle, PhD; Dept. of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology; The Role of Therapy-induced Cell Plasticity in Second Primary Breast Cancers
  • Mochamad Nataliansyah, MD, MPH, PhD; Dept. of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology; Estimating Care Attrition Risk and Outcomes of Patients with Pancreatic Cancer using CMS-SEER Data Linkage

Graduate Fellowship Award

  • Omar Cortez-Toledo, BAElucidation of Microenvironmental Signals that Contribute to Pancreatic Cancer Metastasis
  • Viren Shah, PhD; Computational Simulations of Network Dynamics and Response in CART Therapy
  • Casey Zoss, BSDiscovery and Application of Iron and Angiogenic Biomarkers in Glioblastoma to Optimize Treatment with Gallium Maltolate

Idea Award

  • Cecilia Hillard, PhD; Dept. of Pharmacology & Toxicology; Studies of Kynurenine Metabolites as a Link between Socioenvironmental Disparities and Poor Outcomes in CAR T Therapy
  • Yongxia Wu, MD, PhD; Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology; Fli-1 Regulates CD8 T-Cell Response for Controlling Hematological Malignancies
Cycle 2: 2022


  • Whitney Morelli, PhD; Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Development of a Patient-Centered, Personalized Physical Activity Program to Reduce Fatigue in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients Taking Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors

Clinical Trial Concept Award

  • Jonathan Thompson, MD; Dept. of Medicine; Division of Hematology & Oncology; Utilizing Radiotherapy to Delay Resistance to Targeted Therapies for Metastatic, Driver-mutated Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
  • Joseph Zenga, MD; Dept. of Otolaryngology; Hypofractionated Pre-operative Radiation for Head and Neck Cancer (HyPR-HN)

Idea Award

  • Jong-In Park, PhD; Dept. of Biochemistry; Biochemical Modifications of ISCU Regulated ERK1/2
Cycle 1: 2022


  • Rachel Cusatis, PhD; Dept. of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology; Pilot Study of the VitalPRO: A Remote Monitoring System of Patient Reported Outcomes and Vital Signs in Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell Outpatient Care
  • Jing Dong, PhD; Dept. of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology; Landscape of Pathogenic Germline Variants in Multiple Myeloma and Its Precursor in African Americans
  • Thomas McFall, PhD; Dept. of Biochemistry; Quantitative Systems Approach to Overcoming Innate Resistance to KRAS G1C Inhibitors in Colorectal and Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

Clinical Trial Concept Award

  • John Charlson, MD; Dept. of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology; Sarcoma Biopsy Tissue Banking
  • Liliana Pezzin, PhD, JD; Dept. of Institute of Health & Equity, Division of Epidemiology; Understanding Real World Effects of Breast Cancer and its Treatment on Cognitive Functioning: a Longitudinal, Nationally Representative Study
  • Wael Saber, MD, MS; Dept. of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology; Soluble Urokinase-type plasminogen activator as a biomarker of Stage 3 Acute Kidney Injury in patients undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT)
  • Nirav Shah, MD; Dept. of Medicine; Division of Hematology & Oncology; Triple CAR
  • Joseph Zenga, MD; Dept. of Otolaryngology; Investigating the SDF-1/CXCR4 Pathway in Clinical Head and Neck Cancer and Humanized Patient-Derived Xenografts

Graduate Fellowship Award

  • Karina Bursch, BS; PBRM1 Missense Mutations in ccRCC Vascular Signaling
  • Alfredo Colina, BA; Biological Mechanisms and Immune Signatures Driving Antitumor CAR-T Cell Responses in Patients with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Olivia Franklin, BSDefining the Role of GATA4 in Esophageal Diseases 

Postdoctoral Fellowship Award

  • Jasmine George, PhD; Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Division of Research & Advanced Education; Chemoresistance Mechanism Orchestrated through FXR1 in Ovarian Cancer
Cycle 2: 2021

Idea Award

  • Pradeep Chaluvally-Raghavan, PhD; Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Division of Research and Advanced Education; Role of Oncogenic Adaptations
  • Vera Tarakanova, PhD; Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology; The Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde Role of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 During Cancer-associated Virus Infection

Team Science Award

  • Siegfried Janz, MD; Dept. of Medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology; Leveraging the Biology of Cancer Health Disparities to Improve Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma
Cycle 1: 2021


  • Sunila Pradeep, PhD; Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Division of Research & Advanced Education; Harnessing PD-L1 Expression in Ovarian Cancer
  • John Pulikkan, PhD; Dept. of Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy; SMARCA4 as a Novel Target in Acute Myeloid Leukemia with CEBPA Mutations

Clinical Trial Concept Award

  • Jennifer Connelly, MD; Dept. of Neurology; A Phase 1 Clinical Trial of Oral Gallium Maltolate for the Treatment of Relapsed or Refractory Glioblastoma

Why apply for a pilot award?

The Cancer Center’s pilot funding opportunities are a direct investment in the MCW faculty and programs that will drive cancer discoveries.
Zenga Himburg Lab

Pilot awards are instrumental in catalyzing cancer research because they support investigators to:

  • Explore novel ideas and approaches that may not have been fully investigated due to limited resources.
  • Collect preliminary data providing evidence of progress and potential success.
  • Identify potential challenges at an early stage to prevent similar issues during larger-scale research and implementation.
  • Increase collaboration and encourage partnerships among researchers, institutions, and experts in different fields.
  • Gain valuable feedback that can be used to elevate future projects and pave the way for more comprehensive studies.
  • Secure larger funding: positive results from pilot studies can attract larger funding for further investigation.


Developing a competitive grant application takes time and effort. Applicants are encouraged to access these resources for support.

MCW Cancer Center Grants Office

The Cancer Center Grants Office can help gather, review or draft ancillary components of the application so you can devote your time to drafting the heart of the application.

Email the Grants Office

Biostatistics Shared Resource

The Biostatistics Shared Resource team works collaboratively with MCW investigators to provide analyses, computational methods, models, and algorithms.

Learn more about the Biostatistics Shared Resource

Clinical & Translational Science Institute

Learn how to prepare a successful submission by attending a Methods in Grant Preparation seminar series.

Register for a seminar

Pilot Grant Review Chairs

If you are interested in joining a pilot grant review committee or have any questions, please contact


Gustavo W. Leone, PhD

Director, Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center; Dr. Glenn R. and Nancy A. Linnerson Endowed Chair in Cancer Research; Senior Associate Dean of Cancer Research; Professor, Department of Biochemistry


Mehdi Hamadani, MD

Professor, Medicine (Hematology & Oncology)


Jennifer Knight, MD, MS, FACLP

Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine and Microbiology & Immunology


Sridhar Rao, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Hematology/Oncology/Transplantation and Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy; Associate Director, Medical Scientist Training Program; Associate Investigator, Versiti Blood Research Institute


Melinda Stolley, PhD

Professor; Associate Director of Population Sciences Research, Cancer Center


Vera Tarakanova, PhD

Professor, Microbiology & Immunology


Xue-Zhong Yu, MBA, MS, MD

Professor, Microbiology & Immunology; Associate Director of Basic Sciences in the MCW Cancer Center