Razelle Kurzrock, MD, FACP
Associate Director of Clinical Research
Dr. Kurzrock holds the Linda T. and John A. Mellowes Endowed Chair in Precision Oncology and is a professor of Medicine at MCW. She is a world-renowned leader in precision oncology, phase 1 clinical trials, and rare cancers. As Associate Director of Clinical Research in the MCW Cancer Center, Dr. Kurzrock sets the direction and oversees the Center’s clinical research enterprise. Prior to joining MCW, she directed the Rare Tumor Clinic at the University of California, San Diego. Earlier, she served as professor and Chair of the Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center where she founded the Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics. She is among the most highly cited scientists in the world.

Mehdi Hamadani, MD
Assistant Director of Clinical Research
Dr. Hamadani is a professor of Medicine at MCW and Medical Director of the MCW Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Program. As Assistant Director of Clinical Research in the MCW Cancer Center, Dr. Hamadani works alongside the Associate Director of Clinical Research to oversee the clinical research processes for the 16 integrated Disease-Oriented Teams and ensures that scientifically sound protocols are developed and activated in a timely manner.

Callisia Clarke, MD, MS, FACS, FSSO
Assistant Director of Clinical Research for Clinical Trial Equity
Dr. Clarke holds the Douglas B. Evans Endowed Chair for Surgical Research at MCW. As Assistant Director of Clinical Research for Clinical Trial Equity at the MCW Cancer Center, she is responsible for establishing and overseeing initiatives aimed at enhancing equitable access to clinical trials. Her work involves developing strategies to identify and address barriers to trial participation, particularly among underrepresented and underserved populations.

Ben George, MD
CTO Medical Director
Dr. George holds the William F. Stapp Endowed Chair and is a professor of Medicine at MCW. Over the past decade, Dr. George’s clinical research career has focused on advancing precision medicine and pancreatic cancer therapies. As a member of the Mary Ann and Charles LaBahn Pancreatic Cancer Program, he is part of a multidisciplinary research team composed of academic physicians and laboratory scientists whose contributions have shaped the treatment landscape of patients with pancreatic cancer. As CTO Medical Director, Dr. George oversees Clinical Trials Office activities, including accrual metrics, activation timeline, staffing, training, and compliance.

Sameem Abedin, MD
CTO Assistant Medical Director
Dr. Abedin is an associate professor of Medicine at MCW who specializes in acute myeloid leukemia. As Assistant Medical Director for the MCW Cancer Center, he provides general Clinical Trials Office oversight and facilitates interactions between the Clinical Trials Office and hospital partners. Dr. Abedin leads initiatives related to the Inpatient Translational Research Unit, a resource designed for patients requiring complex care and careful monitoring.

Paul Harker-Murray, MD
CTO Assistant Medical Director of Pediatrics
Dr. Harker-Murray is a professor of Pediatrics at MCW who holds highly integrated leadership roles as Assistant Medical Director of the MCW Cancer Center’s Clinical Trials Office and Medical Director of the Children’s Wisconsin Clinical Trials Office. Dr. Harker-Murray’s research work seeks to identify novel agents for relapsed and refractory pediatric cancers, especially Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Team Members
Erin Lynch, MS, CCRP
CTO Administrative Director
eelynch@mcw.edu | (414) 805-5271
Stacey Zindars, MS, CCRP
CTO Assistant Director, Clinical Research Compliance
szindars@mcw.edu | (414) 805-8913
Cynthia Dwight, RN, ND, CCRC
CTO Assistant Director, Clinical Research Operations
cdwight@mcw.edu | (414) 805-0818
Budget and Finance
Brenda Brito, BSBA
Senior Financial Planning Strategist
bbrito@mcw.edu | (414) 805-8268
Anthony Carabajal
Research Operations Manager
acarabajal@mcw.edu | (414) 805-4629
Toni Ordonez-Hodge
CTO Finance Manager
tordonezhodge@mcw.edu | (414) 805-5867
Multisite Program
Alex Hinman, BA, CCRP
Multisite Program Manager
ahinman@mcw.edu | (414) 955-5909
Mike Jacklin, BS, CCRP
Research Operations Manager
mjacklin@mcw.edu | (414) 805-8970
Outreach/Network Sites
Nedra Johnson, BSN, RN, CCRP
Clinical Research Manager
njohnson@mcw.edu | (262) 257-5110
Protocol Review and Monitoring System (PRMS)
Jennifer Bollmer, PhD
PRMS Manager
jbollmer@mcw.edu | (414) 805-1947
Adam Civils
Clinical Research Manager
jcivils@mcw.edu | (414) 955-2311
Training, Education and Quality Assurance
Rebecca Selle, BS, CCRP
Program Manager
rselle@mcw.edu | (414) 805-8748
Bone Marrow Transplant, Solid Tumor Cellular Therapeutics
Kayla Peterson, BS, CCRP
Clinical Research Manager
kpeterson@mcw.edu | (414) 805-0769
Breast, Central Nervous System
Melissa Lingongo, BS, CCRC
Clinical Research Manager
mlingongo@mcw.edu | (414) 805-0791
Early Phase – Solid Tumors
Jennifer Fleischman, RN, BBA, CCRP
Clinical Research Manager
jfleischman@mcw.edu | (414) 805-3645
Haley Heaviland, ALB, CCRP
Clinical Research Manager
hheavila@mcw.edu | (414) 805-8696
Jaime Goeldner, BS, CCRP
Clinical Research Manager
jgoeldner@mcw.edu | (414) 805-8942
Subarna Paul, MBBS, MSc, CCRC
Clinical Research Manager
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology ǀ Medical College of Wisconsin
supaul@mcw.edu | (414) 805-8594
Hematology Cellular Therapeutics
Cynthia Dwight, RN, ND, CCRC
Clinical Research Manager (Interim)
cdwight@mcw.edu | (414) 805-0818
Deepa Pereira, BSN, RN, CCRP
Clinical Research Manager
dpereira@mcw.edu | (414) 805-8784
Katelyn Gauger, BS, CCRP
Clinical Research Manager
kgauger@mcw.edu | (414) 805-4587
Plasma Cell Disorders
Althea Thomas, BS, RN, CCRP
Clinical Research Manager
athomas@mcw.edu | (414) 805-2588
Skin, Head/Neck, Sarcoma, Thoracic
Abigail Bartosic, CCRP
Clinical Research Manager
abartosic@mcw.edu | (414) 805-5136
Christopher Henchen, CCRP
Clinical Research Manager
chenchen@mcw.edu | (414) 266-8913
Tara Murphy, BSN RN, CCRP
Clinical Trials Manager
tmurphy@childrenswi.org | (414) 266-6471